If you’re looking for a new toy storage system, Walmart has a great collection to help you get organized. The Home Edit is a Netflix series created by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, and the collection at Walmart aligns with this style. Many of the products in the collection are smart storage systems designed to organize common problem areas.
Organizing common problem areas with a toy storage system
Creating a toy storage system is an easy and convenient way to store and organize toys. There are several different options available, including storage units, shelves, bins, rolling carts, and baskets. These recommendations are based on the type of toy storage that will best suit your home.
To create the best toy storage system, parents and kids should work together. Both parties should decide where they want the toys stored, so kids will be more inclined to keep the system organized. Using attractive options will also encourage kids to maintain the system. In addition, a toy storage system does not have to be an unsightly crate that looks like a mess.
The best toy storage system involves involving children in the process of clean-up. Make sure that you involve children in the process of cleaning up, so they will understand where each toy should go. Then, reward them for their efforts by encouraging them to tidy up after themselves.