Politics News
People often cite the political news they read in their daily lives as the primary source of information about government and politics. But what does it tell us?
A new report suggests that Americans are not isolated in ideological bubbles. Even those with consistent conservative or liberal views hear dissenting viewpoints from their everyday media consumption.
Civic Journalism
Civic journalism is a movement within the news profession that seeks to engage citizens in community issues by starting with what they care about rather than assuming what should be of interest to them. It is an attempt to restore the public’s relationship with journalism beyond the partisan, conflict-driven and often fact-free world of cable shout shows and horse-race journalism.
The civic journalism movement has been around for decades and is increasingly gaining momentum with the proliferation of social media and digital platforms that allow citizens to gather and share their own news stories. The emergence of civic journalism is especially significant in places where it has been a critical factor in promoting political reform and social justice. For example, in Hong Kong, where citizen reporting facilitated protests against the Chinese government last year, it has helped to transform collective action and mobilisation by enabling people to hijack censorship protocols that would otherwise have prevented their voices from being heard.
However, while civic journalism may be a positive development for democracy, it also poses the danger of creating a new space for control and governmental interference. As journalistic participation grows, so does the potential for trolls and other types of derogatory behavior to distort the news and undermine the democratic process. The spread of civic journalism has also been accompanied by increased efforts by governments to censor the Internet and block access to websites that are used by citizens to criticize their governments.
A number of organizations have taken up the challenge of civic journalism, such as the Front Porch Forum in Seattle, which is a collaboration between The Seattle Times newspaper and KUOW radio and TV station. The program aims to strengthen communities by promoting news coverage that focuses on citizens’ concerns, encourages civic participation and improves public deliberation.
A recent study found that civic journalism was associated with higher levels of offline and online political discussion. A mediation model also showed that the relationship between civic journalism and political discussion was moderated by professional journalism credibility. Furthermore, the model found that the media’s perceived credibility in promoting civic engagement is significantly enhanced by the presence of citizen journalists.
Participatory Democracy
Participatory democracy is a form of government in which citizens play an active role in the formation of policies and laws. This can be done through direct or indirect participation. In a direct democracy, citizens vote directly on policy decisions, while in a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make those decisions for them. The goal of participatory democracy is to give citizens the power to govern themselves in an effective and fair way.
There are many ways for citizens to participate in politics, from petitions and protests to civic journalism and town hall meetings. But there are also many obstacles to implementing participatory democracy. First, there are issues with representation and demographic inclusion. It is important that participatory processes consider these questions when deciding who to bring into the conversation. It is also essential that these processes be well-designed, with clear goals and outcomes. Finally, it is critical to ensure that the public can understand the content of these debates, especially when they are dealing with complex political and legal technicalities.
Despite these challenges, participatory democracy is not an impossible idea to implement. In fact, there are numerous examples of this type of democracy around the world. For example, Paris has implemented a participatory budgeting process that allows citizens to vote on how their city’s budget is spent. In addition, many local and state governments offer a variety of initiatives and referendums that allow citizens to influence policy decisions.
While these initiatives and referendums may not provide a complete picture of the political landscape, they are an excellent way for citizens to express their opinions on specific issues. And they can be a great way to test the waters for a more direct democracy.
The emergence of participatory democracy is one of the most significant developments in contemporary democratic theory. Its roots can be traced back to John Dewey’s philosophy of progressive education, which advocates the idea that “the personal is political.” This idea was echoed in the ’60s student movements, which promoted outlets for people to share their grievances and aspirations with politicians.
The General Public’s Relationship With the Media
The media play several crucial roles in a democratic society. They inform citizens about government actions and policies, set the agenda for public discussion of political issues, and facilitate civic engagement by bringing people together around common concerns. They are also a critical watchdog in checking the legitimacy of government and a forum for citizen complaints about injustices and abuses.
The emergence of new media platforms and the rapid spread of political news can make it difficult to discern which sources of information are reliable or accurate. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that many of these new media channels lack the resources that traditional journalism has to verify its content and filter out false, misleading, or unsubstantiated material. In addition, the revolving door that allows working journalists to move easily between the press and government can compromise the objectivity of the media (Shepard 1997).
One major problem with current debates over democracy and the media is the widespread perception that neoliberal media deregulatory regimes have contributed to a growing crisis in information quality. While this perception seems valid on the surface, it ignores the many other factors that might explain broad cross-national declines in civic participation and social trust, confidence in government, and conventional indicators of democratic quality (Putnam 2000).
This growing cynicism toward politics and government is often associated with increasing media exposure, especially among younger generations. However, studies of the relationship between media exposure and civic attitudes find that these relationships are not always direct. Rather, they may be indirect and mediated by a host of other influences, such as the passivity induced by television in some younger generations or the effects of infotainment trends and broader media oligarchy on news and public affairs coverage (Keck & Sikkink 1998).
While there is no doubt that new and old media have adapted their content to appeal to new audiences, the general public still relies heavily on legacy outlets for their primary source of political information. In the US, for example, newspaper and network TV readers continue to outnumber those accessing the most popular new media political news sites. Furthermore, despite the popularity of “fake” or “misleading” news stories, the majority of news media users choose to remain informed by reading and watching mainstream news sources.
The Media’s Relationship With Politics
Ideally, the media serve several essential functions in a democracy. They act as watchdogs to check government actions, set the agenda for public discussion of issues and democratize information access. They also facilitate community building by helping citizens identify common causes and work toward solutions to societal problems. Moreover, they play a pivotal role in influencing the political environment by providing politicians with the publicity and attention they need to succeed.
However, many people feel that the media have become more like mouthpieces than neutral observers. This is partly due to the revolving door that exists between working journalists and government officials. Some scholars argue that this practice undermines the impartiality of journalists and compromises the quality of their news. Consequently, the media have shifted their focus from in-depth investigative journalism to horse race coverage of electoral candidates and celebrity gossip.
Additionally, the proliferation of social media has given politicians more control over how their messages are delivered. They can craft content that appeals to specific groups of voters and distribute it through social networks. Some of this content is designed to influence elections and social policy, while some is simply entertaining and provides a way for politicians to garner attention.
While some may argue that the media should not report statements from politicians that could be false, others point to the fact that the public would rather be kept informed than to feel as though they are being hidden from them. This is especially true for those who have down-the-line conservative or liberal views. For example, four-in-ten consistent conservatives and two-thirds of those with consistent liberal views say they closely follow government and political news and play a leadership role in discussions of these topics among their friends and family.
However, the media cannot meet all of these demands without sacrificing their integrity and independence. In the end, they need to balance the interests of their audience with the needs of their business model and maintain an ethical code that is consistent with democratic ideals. Otherwise, they risk losing the trust of their audience and undermining their ability to inform the public about the issues that are important to them.